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Announcement – CEO, Sue-anne Munckton, Civil Aviation Academy Australasia


I am thrilled to announce the involvement of the Civil Aviation Academy in the implementation and delivery of the Women in the Aviation Industry Strategic Action Plan for the year 2023-24. As someone deeply passionate about promoting diversity and participation within the aviation sector, I am excited to spearhead Sky Careers, a brand-new initiative aimed at showcasing the multitude of opportunities available in aviation to students across Australia, with a particular focus on rural and remote areas of Western Australia (WA) and the Northern Territory (NT).

Sky Careers will serve as a platform to educate and inspire students from all backgrounds, encouraging them to consider aviation as a viable career path. Our primary objective is to provide comprehensive information and support to enable informed decision-making, ensuring that every student can explore the exciting possibilities within the aviation industry.

Central to our initiative is a targeted website, designed to provide accessible resources and guidance to students interested in pursuing a career in aviation. The website will contain over 20 different interviews and career journeys of “real women in aviation”, highlighting their diverse journeys and pathways. Additionally, we will actively engage with students through participation in career expos in Perth and Darwin, as well as direct communication with school career counselors.

One of the highlights of Sky Careers will be our innovative roadshow, which will focus on rural and remote regions of WA and the NT. This roadshow will provide students with the unique opportunity to interact with “real women of aviation” who will share their experiences and insights, showcasing diverse pathways within the industry that extend beyond traditional STEM-focused roles.

Through Sky Careers, we aim to break down barriers and stereotypes, empowering students to explore their passions and pursue fulfilling careers in aviation. By fostering inclusivity and accessibility, we hope to cultivate a new generation of aviation professionals who reflect the rich diversity of our society.

I am truly excited about the impact that Sky Careers will have in inspiring and empowering students across WA and the NT, and I look forward to working closely with partners and stakeholders to make this initiative a resounding success.

Click here to view the media release from The Hon Catherine King MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government announcement -> https://minister.infrastructure.gov.au/c-king/media-release/encouraging-girls-and-women-take-their-aviation-careers-new-heights

For media inquiries or more information, contact: Francesca Dolly 0410 144 286 or francesca@caaa.com.au.

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